What is the Cleveland Prays Vision and Challenge?
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16
The Vision: Cleveland Prays was birthed from a desire to unite and encourage churches in 24/7/30 prayer for a city-wide, country-wide spiritual awakening that turns our hearts to God.
The Challenge: For each church in the city to take one day a month and cover it in prayer for twenty-four hours. This can be done many ways but is often accomplished by asking the congregation to sign up for a half hour or hour of prayer during that day. Finding a coordinator within each church is helpful and takes the burden off the pastor.
Cleveland Prays is modeled after and in conjunction with AmericaPrays.org (https://americaprays.org/). It’s specific vision is to unite and equip the churches in Cleveland (including those in greater Bradley County) in 24/7/30 prayer for the city of Cleveland and Bradley County, for the city and county governments, first responders, schools (See prayer focus below), businesses, and people and for a spiritual awakening.
We are a multiethnic, interdemoninational, multigenerational, Jesus-centered prayer movement.